Do come on in… Let me take your coat…

That’s it. Wipe your feet, pop your bottom on a chair. Try not to confuse the two. Dinner will be served on what’s left of the table; I’ll throw another leg on the fire…

Some call me Spookyjelly, yet others call me Jez. I respond excitedly to both. For so long I’ve mused about making a blog… and this be that.

Blessed at an early age with the ability to control a pencil with my mind (via my shoulder, arm, fingers), I simply haven’t stopped doodling & scribbling since. I thrill at translating my  thoughts into a user-friendly format. After all, a story that’s never told is a sad thing indeed.

I incline toward the ghostly, the mysterious, the alien & the odd, and in this Sanctuary of Sorts you’ll find them all: wreakers of terror, refugees from unpleasant realms, funny-lookin’ unfortunates… the list goes on. You’ll also find the latest dispatches from those intrepid truth-charmers of the Arcane Access Restoration Guild (AARG). Can you really afford NOT to be informed?

Those of a nervous disposition may need a cushion to ward off the excesses of freakery on display; but more often than not, you’ll see a gentle, huggable kind of horror. More often than not…

Of course, I also illustrate characters & scenes of less macabre genres.

Perhaps you have thoughts to share, maybe a proposition for a commission? Drop me a line.

So… where’s dinner got to? Feel free to look around while I investigate that guttural howl eminating from the scullery…

For now,

Your humble host

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